Mindful Educators

Mindful Educators

Mindful Educators

Mindfulness is the art and practice of learning how to live in the “here and now” with an awareness that emerges through paying attention on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgmentally.

John Kabat Zinn(Creator of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction)

What You Will Learn

This program will provide educators with the knowledge, skills, and inspiration to serve their students through mindful presence, unconditional respect, balanced emotional energy, conscious intentions and compassion.

How It Works

Workshop Length: 14 hours over 2 days (2 weeks between sessions)

Workshop Format: In Person or Virtual

Affiliations: Ontario Education Services Corporation and Behaviour Management Systems

Affiliations:  Available to anybody who works or lives with children or adolescents

Costs per Individual: $250
Costs for groups:  Contact Steve


  • The Mindful Educators (ME) program is based upon the most current and up to date research on mindfulness, and has been developed specifically for its effectiveness in measurably increasing educator’s knowledge and skills necessary to develop their own mindfulness practice
  • When fully implemented, educators will enjoy increased respect for themselves and the students they teach, as well as an increase in the skills of balancing emotional energy which will allow their students to regulate and manage their own behaviour
  • By using mindfulness practices and techniques, practitioners will be skilled at facilitating optimal learning conditions, resulting in higher levels of student success and achievement

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